Yummy Green Dip for St. Patty’s Day, or any day!

raw almond spread from healthful pursuit

copyright 2012 ORGANICEATER.COM

I found this recipe for Raw Almond Spread at Healthfulpursuit.com, during my 3 week raw vegan cleanse last year. It is fantastic, and I still make it as often as I can because it’s “health in a bowl” and delicious! Here are the small adjustments I have made, but try the original first and see what you think:
I only use a little parsley (sometimes leave it out altogether) because parsley is not my fave. I only use 2tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar, and I always use unfiltered organic ACV. I have no idea if regular works as well. I only use raw local honey, and no agave. Sometimes, if I don’t have enough basil, I add fresh spinach. Once I had no basil at all, only spinach, and I added some dried basil. Still worked pretty well.

Here are the benefits of basil and almonds and benefits of raw organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I take some ACV daily.

This will be the PERFECT way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this Saturday! Enjoy, and let me know if you try it. It’s very unusual, but I hope you will love it as much as we do. It pairs nicely with grain free chia seed crackers from Healthylivinghowto.com

Encouraging Health,

Organic Eater

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